Applause For A Clapper

I agree with former director of national intelligence James Clapper. He told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday that American democratic institutions are under assault both externally and internally. Many have already stated that Russia interfered with our 2016 elections, nothing new there. Few have come right out and accused Mr. Trump of attacking the Country he is supposed to be defending. When asked whether the internal assault was coming from Trump, he replied “Exactly”. Not much obfuscation there. Later on ABC, he said that the Russians have to consider the firing of Comey a yet another victory.

A few days ago Trump was telling everybody that would listen that Mr. Clapper had determined that “there is no collusion” when speaking about his campaign and Russia. Clapper has refuted that characterization.
Now we learn that Trump has given classified information to Russians while they were visiting his office. The whole visit is somewhat suspect. He only allowed the Russian press to cover the meeting. Of course, he has the authority to “declassify” material instantly, just by divulging it, he has done so. I imagine some of our allies will just be thrilled by his total lack of any thought process when it comes to stoking his ego. “I have the best intelligence in the World. It is so much better than anybody else’s. Why just today they told me…” Fill in the blank. His braggadocios behavior is yet another indication of how immature he is. I am sure that he has the best, the most beautiful, the greatest, the biggest, and on and on. He must be removed. Then he can brag about him having the shortest.