Donald Trump to the World: “Kiss My Ass”

Everyday Mr. Trump repeats himself, over and over (Alzheimer’s) while telling everyone on Our Planet to “Kiss My Ass”.                                                            

This is a huge task. First one would have to work their way past the “Depends”, and then, remembering a childhood response, you would have to figure out exactly which part he was referring to. He is all Ass!                    

Polls consistently show, even going before his “election”, an approval rating in the 34 to 45 percent range in the United States. How is it that a person(?) who received 62,985,106 votes now feels that he rules the World with a population of about 7 and one half billion? With the support of well under 1% of the humanoids, he has tried to take control and is willing to kill everyone who is not an immediate family member. Unbeknownst to him, they will die also. In the end, they may be wealthy, but they will be dead.                            

His “I alone can fix it” exemplifies the total disregard he has for other people, even when they may agree with him. Trump has a multitude of ways to bring about our demise. De-escalation is a stratagem unknown to him. The only tool in his kit seems to be that of intimidation. When acting on the World Stage, the only return will be that of push back. Like road rage, if often results in someone getting hurt or dead. It is only a matter of time before one of the groups he bullies will return the favor. The list of suspects will be innumerable. Black, brown, women, muslims, the judiciary, the Intelligence Community, immigrants, the poor, the ill, the sad the loser, those with a natural hair color, and on and on. Even a large number of white men.                                        

I read about a woman from Kenya, trying to escape from Our Country, has died from hypothermia on the Canadian Border. This is not the Country of our parents, our grandparents, our youth or even a year ago. Mr. Trump is murdering people in OUR Name!                                                                                

On the World scene, he seems intent on provoking North Korea until their leader Kim Jong-Un, another figure of questionable stability and huge ego, feels trapped, the walls closing in, and he lashes out. What could go wrong? His brilliant negotiating tactics have ground Our own Government to a halt. He insults our trading partners in a way that is bad, very bad. His vitriolic rhetoric has been linked to increased intolorance and even assults/murder between peoples, here and abroad.                                                                                                   

Despite his confrontational threats, terrorist attacks have not subsided.     Meanwhile the Salt Lake City Police Department invested in de-escalation training and haven’t had an officer involved fatality in well over two years. This isn’t a “one-off”. Businesses, social and mental health workers, law enforcement agencies, employers, etc., are adopting the process of de-escalation every day. New firms step forward to offer training in this process regularly. As long as there has been life some form of compromise and “deal-making” has been used to ensure survival.                                                                                                              

Mr. Trump, the deal-maker, has decided to ignore climate change putting the Planet’s existence in peril. Only an ignorant buffoon would decide that speeding up natural forces thatwill destroy us in favor of profits is a good deal. Is there really 34 to 45 percent of Americans that don’t believe in science? Are there that many people that put money ahead of survival? Even if there are, should they be allowed to make what could be a devastating decision for the rest of the World? This isn’t even the 1% that control most of the wealth, as many of them have turned of Trump when it comes to the environment. This is the 1% that are so totally ignorant I am surprised they manage to survive day by day.                                                                                

Then there is also the question of health. Trump and his disciples seem to believe that only the wealthy are entitled to adquate health care. From the budget proposals, it can be argued that is also the way they feel about housing and food. Are they so short sighted as to have not given any thought as to who is going to take away the bodies of the deceased? Do they envision a giant “Roomba” that will leave it’s charging station and scoop-up the carcasses for disposal elsewhere?And what happens when “elsewhere” is full-up?                                                                                                                        

This is the most short sighted administration of all times. Trump has never been able to thinkpast the end of his dick. Just look into his life story. It has been obvious from the very start of his privileged, spoiled life. From his imaginary wealth to his Playboy image, Hugh Hefner actually had him on the cover of his magazine, this waste of matter has always been an embarrassment to the human race. Unless we remove him from office, he will kill us all. It will be, by definition, murder in the first degree.                    Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear destruction may be the most painless way to go, if you get lucky enough to get taken out in the first strike.                                         

I wonder what happened to my old catcher’s mitt?