Everybody…Under The Bus

When Trump said “There is no collusion – certainly myself and my campaign – but I can always speak for myself and the Russians – zero”,    did he just throw everybody else under the bus? Of course the answer is “Yes”.
The way he discards people should not make anyone working with or around him feel very secure. I certainly would not want to work for the the guy.
The total count of people who got jail sentences after Watergate was 48. Their boss, Richard Nixon, was not among them. When Republicans confronted Mr. Nixon with evidence that conclusively showed his participation in the coverup, at the least, he resigned. Nixon was spared prosecution when his chosen successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him.  I am certain that Pence will do the same for Trump.                                                  That Russia interfered with Our 2016 elections is fake news made up by the Democrats to excuse their loss. That it continues to be an issue is all the fault of that “nut-job” James Comey. Trump has said that he is doing a fantastic job and blames White House Communications for their inability to get that message out to the American People. He is never wrong. He claims to be a very smart guy who is the only one capable of fixing all of our problems.                                                                                                                        Now that law enforcement wants to talk to his son-in-law, I have to wonder how much longer it will be before Trump sits all alone on that bus. Luckily it is not a huge cross country bus. It is one of those little buses for special people.