People’s Climate March

With The People’s Climate March just a few days away, April 29, 2017, it is important that everyone able to, should participate. We need a response that our so-called leaders can not ignore. Even if the weather is not fit for a picnic in the park, dress approprietly and March. Remember to bring Your Loud Voice.

Trump is intent on giving everything away to the corporations that already rule Our Planet. His latest “Executive Order” requiring a review of dozens of national parks and monuments is yet another sign of where he would like to take us. Couple this with the gifting of Public Lands to the extraction industries, his “tax reform”, his rollback of environmental protections, plans for health care, andon and on. 

We the People have very few choices but to Resist this poor excuse for a human. Show up at local events and join with other like minded to oppose his never ending threats to Our Planet’s existence. We, The Resistance Must Never give up. So go out and get yourself some comfortable shoes, assign Your Senator’s and Representative’s phone numbers a speed dial short cut, contact them using their web page or email. Use, and donate to Resistbot. Attend their “Town Hall” meetings, ask questions and demand answers. Do everything you can to stop, or at least slow down the the insanity that is taking control of Our Country, Our Planet, Our Lives,