The 100 Day War

The United States has managed to somehow survive over 100 days of non-stop terrorist attacks, not from the “Radical Muslims” cited time and time again during last years election campaigns, but from the Terrorist-In-Chief. One of his latest targets was astounding. The problems with Our Country are with The Constitution! “It’s an archaic system…It’s really a bad thing for the country.” It seems as though the checks and balances built into the system, that keep him from being a total dic(k)tator are to blame for his poor performance and historically low ratings.

This is the same Constitution to which he swore “will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Now it is inconvenient. It stands in the way of his absolute power. He wants to be able to turn it off and on at his will. He appointed an “Originalist” to the Supreme Court. In that case The Constitution is good. It should be strictly interpreted as it was written in what is now those “archaic” times. That the Courts and Congress are keeping his power in check, it is bad.