The Most Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake You’ve Ever Seen

We must be willing to entertain the possibility that the man who has possession of The White House (notice I did Not say “inhabits”), has little control over his emotions, his staff, his children, even the kitchen help at Mar-a-Lago..

Believe me, I have no trouble with “colorful” language. I’ve been known t use it myself on rare occasions. I would hope to have enough control to not resort to its use while giving a speech in front of cameras or people who I did not consider close. With all the “bleeping” that went on during the campaign, I still am not sure what exactly he was going to bomb out of most every group he did not like on that particular day. Or what he wanted his supporters to beat out of dissidents at a multitude of events. Perhaps a little self-control would have helped to clarify his many conflicting messages.

Reports of infighting in the Trump administration are becoming much more frequent. Is Steve Bannon running the show? Did he really call Jared Kushner a “Cuck” and a “Globalist” behind his back? Meanwhile Kushner has become a world-class globetrotter, doing a lot of work that probably should be handled by the head of the State Department Rex Tillerson, who reportedly didn’t want the job anyhow. Some of his former campaign staff and current associates are under investigation by the FBI. All the while Mr. Trumps says that everything is going great and ahead of schedule.

As late as November 17, 2016, Mr. Trump had no intention of any of his children having a formal role in his administration. Ivanka now has an office in the West Wing, a US Government supplied phone, security clearances, etc. It is reported that she persuaded daddy to send missiles into Syria.
Ignoring advice to divest himself of businesses that could be perceived as conflicting with his office, Mr. Trump turned over day-to-day operations of his companies to his sons. Lawyers from both sides of the spectrum along with those from the nonpartisan Office of Government Ethics, skeptical of the arrangement, now call it a failure especially after Eric Trump said that he will give his father “quarterly” updates. Richard Painter, who was G. W. Bush’s chief ethics attorney said of the arrangement “… it is his ownership of the businesses that creates conflicts of interest, regardless of who manages them.”

In October 2016 Trump said “We should not be focusing on Syria, You’re going to end up in World War III over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton. You’re not fighting Syria anymore, you’re fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, alright?” But while having a desert of “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen” with Chinese President XI Jinping, Mr. Trump announced to the Chinese President and then to the world that “we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq”. I have to wonder if Mr. XI was then offered a Brandi and a Cigar.

Now someone in his administration authorized the use of the largest bomb, lacking nuclear, to be dropped on Afghanistan. We don’t even know if Trump, one of his staff, or some military person peeling potatoes gave the go ahead.

Which leads us to the Mar-a-Lago kitchen, which on January 26th of this year, was hit with 13 health violations, two of which were related to keeping raw meat safe for consumption. Inspection of two coolers showed that meats that should be stored at 41˚ were too warm with chicken at 49˚, duck at 50˚, raw beef at 50˚ and ham checking out at 57˚. There was only cold water for employees to wash their hands in. In the past, Mr. Trump used to inspect the kitchen himself but now his other duties keep him from that task. One would think that hiring a good manger would solve this problem, but when you look at his advisor and cabinet picks, it is easy to see that “vetting” and choosing good help is not his strong suit.