Does a Barr Shit On Herself?

At the time I first became aware that the Roseanne show of old was being brought back, I thought about how sorry our entertainment industry is. With the supposed thousands and thousands of brilliant, creative minds, the best they can do is offer a retread of a program whose time was long ago past. And with many of the cast having moved on with successful careers of their own, I was also surprised how many of them were willing to re-commit.  

When the cancellation first came to light, I did have some sympathetic thoughts for those around her that were harmed by her self-exposure as to what kind of person she truly is. Then I thought back to the original series and the stories I read at that time about what a terrible person she was to work with/around. There was her total disrespect for the National Anthem at a Padre’s game, when she screeched it out along with crotch scratching and spitting. Maybe if Colin Kaepernick would have grabbed a pussy, spit and screeched during the pre-game Mr. Limp would have invited him for dinner at one of his taxpayer-supported facilities. 

Roxane Gay, writing in the “failing” New York Times wrote: “The cast, the writers and the producers knew what Ms. Barr stood for when they agreed to work on the show. Everyone involved made a decision to support the show despite its co-creator’s racism. They decided that their career ambitions, or desire to return to network television, or financial interests would best be served by looking the other way. It was only when Ms. Barr became an immediate liability that everyone involved finally looked at her racism and dealt with it directly.”

These are definitely some strange times we are living through. Hopefully we will live through them. gw now looks not so bad. Obama might have been a progressive. And, Tom Arnold is seen as an somewhat of an intellectual. Scarier by the moment.